Preeti Singh's Article in Spirituality
Longevity and Physical Immortality – an Evergreen Demand
Is it honestly a wise query to be put forwarded to an individual no matter in what age of life he cares to make a reply about the desire to fall in the category of long lived persons? It is not at all necessary to justify such questions where even the one put asks the same knows about the absurd facet hidden inside.
Posted on Nov-24-2010
The Truth Behind Super Human Powers and Abilities
The quagmire that is often noticed while describing or depicting the truth behind God like powers and abilities has often left a human being keep striving for a perfect one covering all the whims and desires for the same.
Posted on Nov-24-2010
Effective Steps To Spiritual Growth
Spirituality is deemed as a system of belief, where one seeks to relate to the rest of the existing beings. In this case, existence is God, humanity, the universe, nature or life in itself. The main aim of spiritual growth is to ensure that peace, love and understanding are practiced among the people. Majority of the people have a believe that the ways of attaining spiritual growth, can only be attained in books, lectures or any other products that will give one happiness.
Posted on Sep-22-2010