Pearlann's Article in Health and Fitness

536 Permanent Hair Removal-For Smooth And better feeling Arms For Long
As we know that the technology is always advancing the remedies these days have taken up a new face. The new methods involve painless treatments like the lasers and various other creams. These cause no pain. The treatments like the lasers are usually done by the experts. These experts are trained and the treatment is done under medical observation.
Posted on Jan-09-2012

570 E cigarettes-The Advantages of Using IT
The electronic cigarettes are free from the harmful carcinogens which are present in the usual traditional cigarettes. Even the carbon mono oxide and the cancer causing tar has nothing to do with the electronic cigarettes as the electronic cigarettes contain just the nicotine and that too is medically treated to reduce the addiction affect as much as possible keeping the flavor intact.
Posted on Dec-13-2011

881 Electronic Cigarette-Change the Class Of Smoking And Reduce the Health Risks
Thus, keeping the need and health benefits in mind, the electronic cigarettes was founded. The electronic cigarettes give the pleasure of smoking as it is designed exactly like the traditional cigarette. Beginning from the design to the flavor all of it resembles the original cigarette. But what differs makes a great difference. The electronic cigarettes have better health benefits as they do not contain tobacco powder and many of those chemicals that cause harm to health mainly the CO
Posted on Dec-13-2011

634 Electronic Cigarette-A Safer Cigarette
Passive smoking is not much different from smoking as the same amount of smoke is inhaled both by the smoker as well as the one who stands near him. Thus, in order to minimize the harms of a cigarette as well as those of passive smoking an alternative needs to be used and one of the best alternatives to smoking is the electronic cigarette.
Posted on Dec-07-2011

567 Grow Eyelashes-Enhance the beauty of your Eyes
Eyes are the most expressive part of the human body it works with the rhythm of the body but plays its part perfectly when observed independently. The eyes express the inner personality of the person perfectly and it is also believed that if your eyes are pretty the entire face looks beautiful.
Posted on Dec-02-2011

518 Permanent hair removal- An Ultimate Solution to get Rid of The Temporary Hair Removal Remedies
It is reliable and a natural treatment that is not going to destroy any of your cells or neither it is found to be causing any other side effects but because it is painful many are reluctant to go for it. The treatment was a discovery of a lot of research and findings and that is the reason why it is once again revised to give its users the best experience for a lifetime.
Posted on Nov-04-2011

531 Electronic Cigarette-Covers The Three Most Endangered Drawbacks Of Smoking.
electronic cigarettes promote no passive smoking at all. Above all the benefits comes the cost factor. These cigarettes are very cost efficient and can save almost fifty percent of the currency that you used to spend on your smoking stuff. So no way that it would make you think a hundred times over if you plan to quit smoking and you are not finding any way out of it. Try the electronic cigarette I’m sure it would make a difference.
Posted on Oct-19-2011

597 Electronic Cigarettes-Choose The Healthier Way Out.
It is always advisable that you switch to the electronic cigarette in case you are having some problem with your smoking habit. It is even good if you are planning to quit smoking as it would be better to give up smoking gradually instead of going cold turkey and torturing yourself.
Posted on Oct-19-2011

607 Electronic cigarettes- What are The Misconceptions?
Whatever the claim can be the electronic cigarette manufacturers have definitely made it clear that they do not claim the electronic cigarettes to be hundred percent safe but they are much safer than the actual tobacco stuff.
Posted on Oct-16-2011

764 Dust Mites-Rid of Them Before They Get On Your Nerves
The dust mites are tiny creatures usually as small as the dust particles. These dust mites are basically found in the house hold areas. Be it your living area or your bedroom . They prefer residing in warm and damp places. Say for example the coziest place in your home is your bedroom and that too in the bed covers or your mattress covers.
Posted on Oct-16-2011

629 Back Pain-A Stitch in Time Saves Nine
In that case all you can do is try and remove some little time from your busy schedule to exercise and be very careful and immediately visit your doctor when the pain begins as a stitch in time saves nine!
Posted on Oct-13-2011

432 Pinhole Glasses-Feel the Joy of Seeing Natural Clarity
Pinhole sunglasses help you improve your eyesight and you can forever get rid of your thick glasses
Posted on Sep-02-2011

483 E cigarettes- Nothing Could Have Done A Better Job
When smoking is your habit and you have equal concern for your health, the only alternative that can get you out of the bifurcation are e cigarettes.
Posted on Sep-01-2011

617 Electronic Cigarettes-The best alternative to smoking
The electronic cigarette is the best alternative to smoking. It takes care of your health and wealth both.
Posted on Aug-31-2011

534 E cigarettes-They Can Help You Reduce Smoking Because They Seem To be Able to.
Smoking has always been causing harm to human health. Plannig to reduce smoking? Go for e cigarettes. The level of nicotine is highly monitored in these cigarettes.
Posted on Aug-26-2011