Nicolaslily's Article in Pets

869 Need a Friend for Lifetime? Have a Dog
So, we all love pets, don’t we? Well, most of us do. So, when we love them we expect them to love us as well. But, there are few of them who show their affection back. Dog is one such animal. It is the best pet man can have. Not just it shows its affection towards its owner, it also protects him or his family if situation demands. And this one quality distinguishes it from other pets.
Posted on Nov-10-2010

651 Required Steps to Train a Dog in Order to Serve You Well
Recently some one said in an interview that dog will always be loyal to its owner, disregarding the circumstances; man somehow will change as per circumstances. Whatever the context that was, the mention of dog was relevant not only to that but in every comparison when it comes to loyalty. They are said man’s best living friend.
Posted on Nov-09-2010