Nicolaslily's Article in Alternative Medicine

739 Invest Today for a Safe Tomorrow: Cord Blood Banking
To be parents are using latest science discovery for the health concern of their baby. They are doing insurance for their child. They are not paying to an insurance company but are engaged in cord blood storage of their new born. This cord blood banking can gives them a peace of mind that this valuable resource is there to protect their child when needed. Umbilical cord is the connecting cord between the mother & the baby when the baby is in the womb. It carries oxygen & nutrients to the baby.
Posted on Aug-31-2011

482 Stem cell banking-An ultimate biological insurance of health
Motherhood brings in lot of responsibilities towards yourself and the unborn. Your responsibilities start from the day you get pregnant.
Posted on Jul-29-2011

637 Secure your child’s future by umbilical cord banking
Motherhood is a very crucial phase in which the mothers need to know and understand the baby.
Posted on Jul-28-2011

506 Stem Cell banking a breakthrough to cure more than 75 life threatening diseases
Expecting a new member in your family, congratulations! You must be receiving lot of attention and care as you are going to bring a new life in this world.
Posted on Jul-28-2011

518 Protect your child with the help of Cord Blood Bank India
India is not far behind when we talk about pre born education. Stem cell banking is not a new thing.
Posted on Jul-26-2011

571 Life saving discovery-Stem Cell Banking
Child birth has always been celebrated as the commencement of new life so far, but medical sciences have proved that this event occurs with far more new hopes than only having a new born baby.
Posted on Jul-25-2011