Neel001's Article in Dating
How to Attract Women - 3 Tips To Make It Seem Easy For You
Not every man is able to really have that kind of pull that some do to attract women to them easily. In fact, most men have to struggle with this for a long time until they finally do find that one woman that will give them the opportunity to date them. The problem with this 'process' is that it does not really give you the ability to choose the women you date. Really, it allows the woman to choose you. What if you could turn it around and end up being the one who gets the choice?
Posted on Dec-10-2011
How to Attract Women- How to Get Women to Notice You No Matter What
We all want to get our share of attention from women. Most likely though, you seem to find that it's always the other guys who end up getting the attention that you want. The guy who seems like a total jerk always seems to be able to attract women a lot more easily than you, a nice guy, does. You might be assuming that this is just the way that it is and will always be and that there is nothing you can do about it. You would be wrong to think that, though.
Attraction is not a choice for women.
Posted on Dec-10-2011