Mytestbuddy9's Article in Reference and Education

323 Online MBA Programs | Is Online MBA worthy - Mytestbuddy
Growing popularity of MBA and success of internet and communication technology has led to a rise in online study programmes.
Posted on Dec-16-2011

340 MBA courses | Masters in Business Administration - Mytestbuddy
MBA or Masters in Business Administration has become a career choice for many of us. Fat salaries and a five star lifestyle associated with MBA could be one of the reasons.
Posted on Dec-01-2011

363 Prepare Online For CAT - Say Bye to Paper and Pen – Mytestbuddy
CAT was the first major Indian examination that announced its transition to the digital media in 2009 and since then there has been an aura around the CAT examination and students have found the transition from pen pencil and adapting to the computer based examinations little difficult.
Posted on Nov-09-2011