Milan's Article in Alternative Medicine

613 The Five Important Acne Skin Care Treatment
Acne is a frustrating problems at all ages, affecting a large number of individuals. People with acne should take special care for their skin.
Posted on Feb-15-2010

632 Weight Loss the hidden vulnerability
Weight loss has now become one of the Internets fastest growing businesses. The two words of "weight loss" typed into Google will throw up somewhere in the region of 100 million search results.
Posted on Feb-13-2010

1298 Nail Fungus, Including Toenail Fungus, Can Be Cured
Toenail fungus is not just something that you have to learn to live with. Lots of people are affected by this common problem.
Posted on Feb-10-2010

764 Hair Loss Treatment – A Boon For Bald
Hair loss is generally associated with men, which is most commonly known as “baldness” but it may be shocking and sad to know that its presence is very much felt in women too. Only the pattern of baldness differs. The hair loss has many factors as genetic, age, diet, pollution, stress, chemicals to name a few. These factors are common in both men and women. Hair loss Marjory attacks the person’s look and how attractive he/she can be to the opposite sex so it tops the list of concerns for many
Posted on Feb-03-2010