Mike Smith's Article in SEO

1564 Online Reputation Management
This article gives information about Online Reputation Management and provides steps to perform a successful online reputation management.
Posted on Aug-06-2009

1293 SEO Audits
SEO or search engine optimization audits are performed to check and verify whether your SEO techniques are error free. Such audits help you improve your website rankings significantly by pointing out the mistakes that you might have overlooked.
Posted on Jul-07-2009

1129 Tips and Tricks to Capitalize on Local Searches
Using local searches can be an excellent way to reap the advantages of better ranking through search engine optimization. Statistics say that an average 30 to 40 percent of the searches are local and the search results displayed by the search engines are also local in nature.
Posted on Jul-07-2009

1070 Creating a Social Media Campaign
A social media campaign can be very effective in attracting brand ambassadors as well as potential customers towards your business. The online world is full of opportunities and possibilities and it is for you to make the most of your social media campaign and turn maximum clicks to conversions.
Posted on Jul-06-2009

1201 Using Frequent Blog Posts to Drive Traffic to your Website
The emergence of blogging has proved to be an effective content based search engine optimization (SEO) technique. Effective blogging works wonder for websites by driving heavy traffic, increasing exposure and creating social media impact.
Posted on Jun-09-2009

1253 Email marketing vs. social media
Along with emails and chats, several other online communication modes have evolved along with social networking sites. The emergence of the social media has opened multiple avenues where people can reach out to their target audience and interact with them.
Posted on Jun-09-2009

1060 How to maximize your PPC impressions
Pay per click advertisement is the latest tool that has spread its wing very rapidly across the online market, especially for a specific section of the internet audience.
Posted on Jun-06-2009

1071 Web Designing Tips for SEO
SEO is emerging as one of the vital components of web designing services. This article enlists a few effective web designing tips from an SEO perspective.
Posted on Jun-01-2009

1643 SEO in 2009 – What’s New
This article explains what online marketers need to consider while changing their focus for SEO in the year 2009.
Posted on May-07-2009

895 Setting up Right Goals in Analytics
Google Analytics helps web developers and online marketing professionals in search engine optimization. This article explores setting up goals in Analytics.
Posted on May-01-2009

1487 Importance of Social Book Marking
Back links and Traffic generated using social book marking ensures better search engine rankings and hence social book marking has become an excellent tool for online marketing.
Posted on Apr-30-2009

1220 Social Media Marketing in 2009
Word of mouth is the strategy behind marketing on social media. 2008 saw much hype over the emergence of this new form of marketing and now that the dust has settled, it is time to come to terms with the challenges of social media marketing.
Posted on Apr-19-2009

1139 Importance of Social BookMarking
Back links and Traffic generated using social book marking ensures better search engine rankings and hence social bookmarking has become an excellent tool for online marketing.
Posted on Mar-20-2009