Lexorleslie's Article in Health and Fitness

864 High Blood Pressure, Migraine Headaches and NUCCA
Recently, we took a look at what the research is showing regarding the connection between the upper cervical spine and blood flow to and from the brain and how that is an important factor in how trauma can induce conditions like Multiple Sclerosis and Migraine Headaches. Well now we look at another major health issue in America...High Blood Pressure.
Posted on Dec-29-2010

663 How Can Wellness Chiropractors Really Help You?
Are you considering finding wellness chiropractors that may be able to help you feel better but are not sure exactly how they can help you? It is essential to understand exactly how these chiropractors will be able to help you so you can feel confident about using them to help you feel better.
Posted on Jun-14-2010