Jackobama Mc's Article in Men's Issues

177 Erection Disfunction
If erection disfunction has turned your sex life upside down, you don't know if you will ever enjoy sex again, you're WRONG. A natural option is here for you!
Posted on Oct-11-2011

191 Premature Ejaculator| Premature Ejectulation
Are you a premature ejaculator? Is premature ejectulation something that always happens to you no matter what? Find a real solution for problems with natural treatment!
Posted on Oct-11-2011

150 Pre Ejaculation | Prolonged Ejaculation | Retrograde Ejaculation
Do you want prolonged ejaculation? Have you been looking for a natural retrograde ejaculation solution? A brand new natural option can HELP YOU TODAY!
Posted on Oct-11-2011

170 Cause Of Impotence | Impotence Males
Find out what the cause of impotence is and how you can remedy being impotence males by reading this helpful information right now!
Posted on Oct-11-2011

179 Bed Stop | To Last Long
How can I last longer in bed? Have you been with your lover and a full bed stop occurred because you couldn't last? Some useful information for you!
Posted on Oct-11-2011