Happyfl88's Article in Software
Finding drivers for HP printer
Now if you just purchased a new retail version of the HP Officeje 6000 Wireless printer, it likely came with a compact disc with the hp drivers installed. However, if for some reason, you've lost it or picked up the Officejet 6000 Wireless Printer used and without the drivers, this article will tell you where to find the correct drivers.
Posted on Nov-19-2010
Getting a driver for free
When we come across driver issue, we always want a working but free solution to the driver problem. Some of us may know where to go, but some of us may not.
Posted on Nov-18-2010
How to update your drivers?
When we come across driver issues, normally we will go to the manufacturer’s site or use Windows Update for right driver updates to fix the problem. However, what should we do if neither way works?
Posted on Nov-17-2010