Geemy Smith's Article in Business
Fake ID cards – everything you need to know
Fake ID cards are very common and are used for a variety of purposes. Whether for the simple purpose of obtaining beer or for more serious crimes- fake IDs are utilized. Usually college or high school students resort to making fake IDs. They make these fake ids for the sole reason to get into some bars or to drink alcohol. An ID card is an important document and should not be misleading. It should give exact information about the individual.
Posted on Aug-05-2011
Merchant marines- everything you need to know
The United States merchant marine is a fleet of ships owned partly by the government and partly by the private sector. It acts as an assistant to the navy in times of need and assumes a military role in providing provisions to the navy. Merchant mariners can be called upon in times of need to act as navy men and serve the country as armed sailors.
Posted on Aug-05-2011
Fight Fake IDs to fight unfortunate incidents
Every year a considerable number of people get injured or even die due to road accidents. While some of them are purely accidents and could not have been prevented, many of them are due to drunken driving and could well be prevented. TA3 is an organization that is actively working towards fighting against this malice in the society. Help them to help you and your family out of this unfortunate state of affairs.
Posted on Jul-11-2011