Findul's Article in Business

795 The Right Solution for Denied Business BP Claims
This is how and why business BP claims are being constantly rejected, and the majority of the claimants have made peace with the fact that they will never ever get a chance to receive fair compensation from the BP and implicitly from the GCCF.
Posted on Feb-02-2012

954 Gulf Coast Claims Facility Important Facts
If you are an individual or a business owner struggling with a delayed, denied or rejected gccf claim, you should keep in mind that there exists proper salvation. There have been many GCCF help centers set up with man role of helping victims of the disaster recuperate their loses from the BP.
Posted on Feb-02-2012

869 Free BP Case Reviews from Trustworthy Attorneys
The best thing about these help centers, is that attorneys will review for free your file. This means that you don’t have to pay hefty fees for their initial services. They can let you know quickly whether your file is ready to be sent for re-evaluation, or you still need to gather some documents that are missing.
Posted on Feb-02-2012

809 Denied Business BP Claims: the Best Solution
That the claimant is not obliged to pay any service fees, unless the attorneys manage to get from BP the compensation their client deserves. If the attorneys cannot obtain any sort of compensation for you (the claimant), then you will also not have to pay any commission to the team of attorneys, accountants and damage experts who worked on your case.
Posted on Jan-29-2012

894 Why the BP Delays the Claims Process
Now since they have done a great job in delaying as much as possible these claims, and in denying the greatest majority of the claims, the team has got a raise from the BP.
Posted on Jan-29-2012

749 The GCCF Problematic and Denied BP Claims
The sole solution for the bp claims denied issue is if claimants will start opting for legal representation. Teams of expert attorneys who work together with the best damage experts and accountants in the field will help sending these files for reevaluation to the BP.
Posted on Jan-29-2012

827 Individuals with Denied Business BP Claims are Eligible for Re-Evaluation
Unfortunately, because the GCCF has been denying so many claims, people have become quite discouraged about continuing their fight with the BP and the GCCF. They have simply resigned, and are currently trying to make peace with the fact that they will never be able to recuperate their losses.
Posted on Jan-25-2012

817 The Truth about the Gulf Coast Claims Facility
Not only this, but the gulf coast claims facility seems to be controlled by the BP in regards with how many claims can be paid out, and what is the maximum value of these claims. Until now, the organization has paid out only the less significant claims – those in the range of $10,000 and $20,000. Business owners whose businesses have been severely affected by the spill, and who had claims larger than $100,000 will still have to wait a few more years until they can get compensation.
Posted on Jan-25-2012

854 How Can Attorneys Help with Denied BP Claims
In case these attorneys cannot help, you will simply don’t have to pay anything. When you don’t have to pay upfront fees, you also don’t have anything to loose. The majority of the experts in the field highly encourage both individuals and business owners (of small or large businesses) to start and take the matter into their own hands. The GCCF will never come and knock on your door with an extremely good offer, from own initiative.
Posted on Jan-25-2012

787 Business BP Claims Get Faster Thanks to Strong Attorney Teams
Business owners are extremely wronged by the system. These people gave incurred loss of income and revenue, and they cannot get back on their feet at least until they receive the compensation they are entitled to.
Posted on Jan-24-2012

811 The BP Dictates the Claims Payment Rules to the GCCF
Yet another reason for which the gccf claims are not paid out as they should is because the BP has a set a cap in order to protect itself.
Posted on Jan-24-2012

803 BP Gulf Coast Claims Help Centers Offer Legal Advice
The GCCF has been set up by the BP in order to review incoming bp claims, and ultimately to distribute the available funding among the victims of the spill. In the beginning, everything looked extremely promising; however a few months later all people could get were delayed or denied bp claims. Moreover, the GCCF has set its mind to issuing tens even hundreds of underpayment offers. Out of fear of not receiving any compensation, people have accepted even a very small fraction of the amount they
Posted on Jan-24-2012