Eating Green for a Immune System.
Living in a world full of toxins eating plenty of chlorophyll rich green veggies is important for overall health.
Posted on Nov-29-2011
Preventing the Risk Factors for Heart Disease.
With heart disease affecting millions of people in the United States alone, it’s no wonder that prevention is considered key when it comes to heart health!
Posted on Nov-27-2011
Butterbur May Provide Relief For Hay Fever Sufferers.
The irritating symptoms of hay fever that come with the change of seasons could be snuffed out with the use of “butterbur” – a herb from the daisy family!
Posted on Nov-24-2011
Treating Interstitial Cystitis Naturally.
Trying to find relief from IC can be a disappointing process. Until now, here is a run-down of natural therapies (and their ingredients) as used for painful inflamed bladder.
Posted on Nov-23-2011
Eating Green for a Strong Immune System.
Living in a world full of toxins eating plenty of chlorophyll rich green veggies is important for overall health.
Posted on Nov-21-2011
Health Problems Not a Barrier to Seniors' Happiness.
Life can throw a lot of challenges at you as you grow older. Health problems may increasingly become an issue. Chronic symptoms can affect day-to-day living. Friends can pass away. Things may be a little stressful financially as you learn to live with less income.
Posted on Nov-17-2011
Tips on Cutting Down on Alcohol
There is a fine line with alcohol, as any more than that and the health benefits start to disappear.
Posted on Nov-14-2011
Rose Hips to Ease Arthritis Pain
Now that spring is in full swing, wild roses are starting to grow just about everywhere. Roses are celebrated for their beauty, of course, and are one of the most popular flowers used to decorate gardens. But roses are also a wonderful source of nutrition. They contain a huge amount of vitamin C and other important nutrients. Especially the part of the plant called the hips. Rose hips are the tiny fruits of the rose plant that are usually an orange color.
Posted on Nov-10-2011
Avoid the Sniffles While Gardening.
So, spring is upon us. That means more to people who live in northerly areas than those, say, in Arizona and Texas. Nevertheless, for people all across Canada and the U.S., springtime rings the bell for warmer weather and the onset of allergy season.
Posted on Nov-09-2011
Choosing the Best Cooking Oils
The type of oil you cook with can go a long way towards protecting your circulatory system and preventing heart damage. Some contain saturated fat and some contain unsaturated fat. You want the ones highest in the latter, which is very healthy. Here are the oils you can trust beyond others to be exceptionally good for you.
Posted on Nov-08-2011
Boost Folate Levels and Keep Depression Away
A new study published in the "Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health," says that folate also plays a role in preventing depression.
Posted on Nov-07-2011
An Important Dietary Step for All Smokers
To restore health in their bodies, there is of course only one thing smokers should do. Quit. This goes without saying. Smoking is the number-one cause of preventable death in the world. Its negative influence goes well beyond the lungs, where it does its worst damage.
Posted on Nov-06-2011
Four Natural Remedies for Heartburn
Acid reflux, or heartburn, can cause a burning sensation in your esophagus after eating. It is often accompanied by indigestion and sometimes by chest pain. Though not a serious condition, heartburn can make you quite uncomfortable.
Posted on Nov-05-2011
How Cycling Three Times a Week Could Help Prevent Disease
Ride a bike to stay fit and prevent some of diseases
Posted on Nov-02-2011
A Diet Built for Proper Blood Pressure
For people who have a history of cardiac problems or who are trying to battle hypertension, following the DASH diet is a true medical tool.
Posted on Nov-02-2011
Here's a Great Way to Reduce Your Cholesterol
Causes of cholesterol and natural ways to improve it.
Posted on Nov-02-2011
Staying Allergy-Free... Indoors
Different kinds and sources of indoor allergies.
Posted on Nov-02-2011