Doctorshealthpress's Article in Depression
Lose the Stress, Lose the Fat
UK researchers have discovered that those who report having job strain are more likely to become obese. Maybe it’s because they eat more junk or sit at their desks for longer periods of time, but whatever the case, higher stress is linked directly to fat around your waist and belly.
Posted on Aug-25-2011
Stress Could Be Culprit in Your Tummy Woes
While a number of factors contribute to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), stress is on the list, as it is for many serious disorders and diseases. An estimated 10% to 15% of the world’s population is affected by IBS, and more women than men seem to develop it.
Posted on Aug-25-2011
Can Omega-3s Help Treat Bipolar Disorder?
In part-four of my look at how omega-3 fatty acids influence depression, I'll turn here to a flurry of evidence concerning how they may treat major depression and depressive symptoms in bipolar disorders.
I found nine double-blind controlled studies on how effective omega-3s can be for depressed patients, including those with bipolar disorder.
Posted on Aug-18-2011
Omega-3s vs. Depression, Part 1
One of the most powerful natural supplements in the world is omega-3 fatty acid. It is also found naturally in fatty fish. This multi-part article will examine one thing specifically: can omega-3s help you deal with depression and related mood disorders?
Posted on Aug-12-2011