Doctorshealthpress's Article in Arts and Entertainment

518 Herbs to Calm the Mind & Soothe the Body
There are plenty of prescription sleep aids on the market, but is taking more drugs really necessary? We know of several herbal remedies that could help you get a good night’s sleep. Let’s look at a few of the here.
Posted on Aug-23-2011

542 The Finer Points of Dieting
Weight loss doesn’t always occur following monumental, lifestyle-changing decisions. Instead, it sometimes happens in the fine print.
Posted on Aug-22-2011

482 Moderate Drinking Lowers Risk for Dementia
Drinking moderate amounts of alcohol, especially wine, may lower the risk of dementia.
Posted on Aug-22-2011

485 My Top Natural Picks for Fighting Migraines
Here I begin a short series that hones in on my top picks for treating migraine pain naturally. There are several natural supplements and herbal remedies that just might make painkillers unnecessary -- and even shorten the duration of a migraine episode.
Posted on Aug-22-2011

470 Eucalyptus for Respiratory Problems
Eucalyptus has been used throughout history for medicinal purposes by Aboriginals, Chinese and Greeks, as well as in “Ayurvedic” medicine, and its use continues even today.
Posted on Aug-20-2011

510 Lick of Curry Could Battle Tendonitis
A long-time member of the alternative health landscape is turmeric. Within this Indian spice is the herbal cure curcumin. A new study has shown that this common spice may offer hope for people who suffer tendonitis.
Posted on Aug-19-2011

466 Staying Positive in Face of Depression
Being in good health can seem like a different thing to accomplish for those who suffer depression. It is an area of frequent health breakthroughs, as it is one of the most common health complaints across the U.S. The latest involves the use of alternative health technique, "positive activity interventions," as a safe and inexpensive way to manage depression.Being in good health can seem like a different thing to accomplish for those who suffer depression.
Posted on Aug-18-2011

512 Broad Spectrum Sunscreen Best for Protection Against the Sun's Rays
Despite the availability of so many sunscreen products on the market, it is important to select a broad-spectrum sunscreen to protect the skin against skin cancer and early aging.
Posted on Aug-17-2011

452 Swine Flu: Should You Be Worried?
There is a new flu virus that is causing some concern in the worldwide health community. It’s called “swine flu” (H1N1), and it is spread by a virus. This new strain of influenza has killed 103 people in Mexico and spread across North America and possibly as far afield as Spain and New Zealand.
Posted on Aug-17-2011

447 Hiatal Hernia: a Pain in the Stomach
A “hiatal hernia” happens when a portion of your stomach bulges above your diaphragm. This is usually caused by a stretching of the diaphragm muscle. Normally, this muscle fits snugly around the esophagus and keeps the stomach from pushing up into the chest cavity.
Posted on Aug-17-2011

525 Why Pistachios are the Key to Good Health
That unsalted nuts are excellent healing foods is not new. What is new are two studies that have found snacking on in-shell pistachios may be the ideal way to munch. This health advice says that pistachios could curb over-eating and drop your calorie intake.
Posted on Aug-10-2011

506 The Many Health Powers of Inositol, Part 4
Inositol, the focus of this new e-series, has been linked to potentially helping those who suffer panic attacks, and those who have depression. Can this natural treatment work?"
Posted on Aug-08-2011