Devis Eliot's Article in Internet Marketing
SMTP Hosting – Features & Functions
SMTP is the simplest protocol to understand, easiest to implement but most efficient in performance. All the web hosting providers do not grant the free accounts to enjoy accessibility to the SMTP. The users are required to fill up a form. Once the form is successfully submitted, it is an obligation on part of the web hosting provider to extend the facility of the SMTP hosting.
Posted on Nov-19-2010
SMTP Service Provider Fixes the Problems of Bulk Email Sending
SMTP mail server is specifically designed to handle the bulk email delivery. Business emails are sent for the promotional purposes and these mails help the business owners stay in touch with their clients. Such a tactic has outsmarted all the existing marketing tricks and developed a unique bonding between the manufacturers and the clients on a personal level. A SMTP service provider is capable of efficient handling of the bulging volume of mails. Keep in mind not to install a free SMTP server
Posted on Nov-10-2010