Cryobanksindia's Article in Health and Fitness

164 Welcome old age with 30% broader smile; take stem cell enhancer; increase stem cell
Thanks to doctors and biologists; who take care of this complicated labyrinth called body; for us. Stem cell enhancer helps increasing cell release from bone marrow up-to 30%; increased number of cells means more health, immunity and quick recovery.
Posted on Nov-10-2011

770 Stem Cell definition and usage in medication
In adult organisms, stem cells and progenitor cells act as a repair system for the body, replenishing adult tissues. In a developing embryo, cells can differentiate into all the specialized cells, but also maintain the normal turnover of regenerative organs, such as blood, skin, or intestinal tissues. Self-renewal ability, to go through numerous cycles of cell division while maintaining the undifferentiated state .
Posted on Sep-13-2011