Craig's Article in Article Writing

821 Thesis Writing for University Students in the United Kingdom
Universities within the United Kingdom (UK) follow a set pattern of guidelines and rules for students to adhere to when writing their thesis.
Posted on Mar-08-2010

785 Dissertation Research Work: A Methodical Approach
Every university student is required to complete a dissertation or thesis as part of his or her degree course. The dissertation has to be passed in order to be awarded a degree; therefore it is an extremely important piece of work for any university student to complete with flying colours.
Posted on Mar-07-2010

829 Essay Writing UK- How to Structure your Essay for Success
If you are looking to improve your grades in your university essay, university assignment or university dissertation, then maybe you should look carefully at some of the common mistakes that students make regularly before they hand in their academic work.
Posted on Mar-03-2010

994 Beware of Custom Essay Writing Companies
Custom Essay Writing companies are everywhere on the internet these days. Every time you logon, there seems to be another new website trying to sell custom papers and custom essays to college students in the UK and across the world. The majority of these companies are unethical and doing their customers a significant disservice as they are not serving your needs properly.
Posted on Mar-01-2010