Chicnhealth's Article in Beauty

664 Bad Habits That Speed Up Skin Aging Process
It is no secret that everyone wants to maintain a youthful and healthy appearance for as long as possible. But did you know that bad habits and an unhealthy lifestyle can bad habits and an unhealthy lifestyle can put you on the fast track for the skin aging process. Here are common of the bad habits which will accelerate skin aging process.
Posted on Nov-01-2011

973 How to Reduce Forehead Frown Lines Quickly and Naturally?
There are various ways to reduce forehead frown lines. This article will share with you way to get rid of forehead frown lines.
Posted on Dec-06-2010

676 Anti Aging Diet Tips - Superfoods That Will Help You Stay Young and Wrinkle Free
Aging is a natural process and each and every person has to pass through this process. A healthy diet with anti aging foods along with regular exercises can be the solution for aging. Read about what food that will help you stay young.
Posted on Oct-04-2010