How to Spot a Legitimate Canadian Internet Pharmacy online
With the many things that need our financial attention, we should always look forward to buying stuff that are offer affordability but do not sacrifice quality. There are many ways to save. We usually get offers that give us bargain prices and these include the medicines offered by different online Canadian pharmacies. Although these pharmacies can offer you fanatical prices, we should be cautious in choosing the pharmacy that we should buy from. There are many fake Canadian Internet pharmacies
Posted on Jun-06-2011
How to Find the Best Canadian Pharmacy
There are some people who ask why choose a Canadian Internet pharmacy? Well if you are living in the United States, where the industry of pharmacies has no limits on the prices of prescription drugs, wouldn’t you consider a better alternative? You are put in the position to buy drugs on steep prices.
Posted on Jun-05-2011
Walking Speed May Influence Lifespan
Recent research has found that walking speed may provide an insight into the number of years an individual will live. A formula that incorporates walking speed has been found to aid in predicting an elder’s future life span when additional information, such as blood pressure and heart disease, are factored into the equation.
Posted on Jun-02-2011
Rising Incidence of Diabetes Among American Adults
The federal government has reported the number of American adults suffering from diabetes to have doubled since 1996, from nine million to 19 million. There were significant increases in the incidence of diabetes across all age groups.
Posted on Jun-02-2011
Rising Health Care Costs Call For Delayed Retirements
With health care costs spiraling, baby boomers must take a look at the significance these rising costs will have on their retirement plans. Research conducted by the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) provides some grim news for those nearing retirement.
Posted on May-31-2011
Pharmacists Held In High Regard
Gallup’s annual Honesty and Ethics Survey has found that the majority of American residents hold pharmacists in high regard, especially in terms of the honesty and ethical standards they adhere to. The survey, which involved over 1,000 adult respondents, found that 71% of all respondents considered pharmacists to possess “very high” or “high” ethical and honesty standards.
Posted on May-30-2011
New Year, New Medicaid Program Benefit Cuts
On January 1, 2011, the Washington State Medicaid program announced it was to stop meeting the cost of half a dozen categories of health care. Adult hearing aids, eyeglasses and non-emergency dental care for adults were among these cuts, as was Medicare Part D, medication co-pays for old age pensioners and the disabled.
Posted on May-26-2011
Medicare Braced For Baby Boomers
The first baby boomers will be celebrating their 65th birthdays this year and will be able to enroll in Medicare. While this is welcome news for these celebrants, it puts greater burden on an already strained system. For starters, these baby boomers bring with them a whole host of medical problems and greater health care expectations than their parents and grandparents before them.
Posted on May-26-2011
How to Buy Viagra at a Low Price
Viagra is known for treating erectile dysfunctions for years now. Due to its effectiveness, there have been millions of men who were able to cope with their erectile dysfunction and their sexual life was restored the way it was before their health condition.
Posted on May-19-2011
Age-related Eye Disease Decreases among Americans
A new study has found that the incidence of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a leading cause of vision loss, has been on the decline over the past 15 years.
Posted on May-19-2011
How to Purchase Prescription Drugs from Canada
Prescription drugs are medicines that are strictly regulated around the world including that of the United States. They were formulated to help in the treatment of different health conditions and you can only buy then if you were issued a prescription by a doctor or a health care professional.
Posted on May-10-2011
How to Obtain OTC Medicines from Canada
Over the counter drugs (OTC) are widely used worldwide. You do not need prescription in order to buy prescription drugs. They do not require higher supervision because they are generally safe to use. If you are one of those who depend on OTC drugs on a regular basis, then it is better to buy them in bulk since doing so will give you discounts.
Posted on May-09-2011
Canada online drugs
Buying your medicine from an online Canadian pharmacy has various benefits. Certain groups of people in particular will find buying their drugs online to be very beneficial indeed.
Posted on May-04-2011
Canada drugs online
The internet has certainly caused a revolution in the way we do many things. Many people nowadays meet their future marriage partners online. Others work from home using the power of the internet. Another area where the internet is making massive inroads is that of buying medicine.
Posted on May-03-2011
Canada Pharmacy Online
Not all online pharmacies are the same. If you do your homework before you make your first online purchase, you will have a pleasant experience and you can build up a long term relationship with the particular online pharmacy. Before you buy, check out the pharmacy in terms of the following criteria.
Posted on May-03-2011
All About PharmacyChecker
PharmacyChecker.com (PC) is a comprehensive resource that collects, evaluates, and reports to consumers the credentials, prices, and customer reviews regarding online pharmacies and mail-order pharmacies. PC is the Internet’s premier independent source of information about online pharmacies.
Posted on May-01-2011
Cheap Canadian prescriptions
Millions of American are buying cheap Canadian prescriptions online every year. Some of them have, in the past, become victims of con artists, buying useless or low quality medication in the process. Others have even found their personal details sold to third parties. Fortunately there is now an organization that oversees the online pharmacy industry in Canada.
Posted on Apr-28-2011
Canadian prescriptions
It is a fact that medicine in the United States of America is exorbitantly expensive. The pharmaceutical industry argues that this has to be so to generate funds for research. Why medicine in a country such as Canada or Switzerland, where a lot of research is also done, is so much cheaper than in the USA has yet to be explained.
Posted on Apr-27-2011
Canadian online pharmacy
How would you like to have your very own Canadian online pharmacy? Your first response would probably be that it must surely be illegal. Secondly, you would probably argue that you know nothing about medicines, so there is no way you can manage a pharmacy.
Posted on Apr-27-2011
Canadian online pharmacies
The extremely high cost of prescription drugs in the United States has a variety of causes. Drug companies agree that drug prices are much higher than the cost of production, but argue that this is necessary to provide them with sufficient funding to do research into new types of medicine.
Posted on Apr-24-2011
Canadian International Pharmacy Association
The Canadian International Pharmacy Association (CIPA) is an organization comprised of licensed retail pharmacies that provide mail-order services to customers in Canada and throughout the world. Since its inception in 2002, CIPA has become the premier advocate and governing body for safe online pharmacy standards and practices and low drug prices.
Posted on Apr-22-2011
Canadian drug
The United States of America is the only major industrialized nation in the world that has no maximum profit margins or prices for medicine. The result is that people from the United States pay more for their medicine than the citizens of virtually any other country. It comes as no surprise therefore that many Americans are nowadays turning to the internet to find cheaper drugs.
Posted on Apr-19-2011
Canada Pharmacy
If you are one of those people who have never bought your medicine online from a Canada pharmacy, there are no doubt many questions in your mind about the purchase process. In what follows we attempt to answer a few of the most frequently asked questions.
Posted on Apr-17-2011
Canada online pharmacy
Many people who have never ordered from a Canada online pharmacy have numerous questions about the online ordering process. In what follows we will address a few of the most commonly asked questions.
Posted on Apr-16-2011
Understanding How Canada Drugs are Regulated
The pharmaceutical companies that manufactured Canada drugs and its advertisers started to be regulated in the year of 1996. Health Canada is the department responsible for regulation of all the drugs within the country. Its regulations are based from the Food and Drug Act of 1920.
Posted on Feb-22-2011