Buygreensavvy's Article in Business
Who is leading the way in eliminating the use of Plastic Garbage Bags?
The answer may surprise or shock you depending on your perspective but the worlds largest democracy is certainly drawing a line in the sand.The Pioneer newspaper in New Dehli India published an op-ed article on November 5th of this year stating the following tidbit of information.
Posted on Oct-08-2010
Read the label when buying Linen Shower Curtains
Common vinyl shower curtains release chemical gases and odors from their ingredients and are manufactured with non-renewable and chemical products. They are difficult to clean and end up in a landfill where they don't biodegrade and potentially release dangerous substances into the aquifer.
Posted on Oct-08-2010
Non Biodegradable Garbage Bags, Why?
I had a vividly strange dream last night that all the garbage eating bugs and worms at our dump were dying off from starvation because they couldn’t get a good meal. The reason, our household garbage was being carted off to the landfills in non biodegradable garbage bags. It was a strange dream indeed.
Posted on Oct-08-2010