Barclaybert's Article in Alternative Medicine

764 Benefits of Holy Basil
There are two kinds of basil, sweet basil the kind of staple in Italian homes used for cooking - Ocimum basilicum and Ocimum sanctum - the Holy Basil named for its location - found growing near Christ's tomb after the resurrection. Both forms of basil are found to be native to South Asia and India.
Posted on Mar-26-2010

708 Home Remedies for Easy Pass of Kidney Stones
Kidney stones (calculi) may occur anywhere in the kidneys or ureters and are caused by crystallization of various substances in the urine, often when the body id dehydrated, causing the urine to be more concentrated.
Posted on Mar-26-2010

3855 How to get Rid of Skin Blemishing at Home
A skin blemish is a common skin problem which people do not have much knowledge of. From a teenager to a middle-aged person, skin blemishes can occur due to different internal and external factors these people are experiencing.
Posted on Feb-01-2010

973 How Get Relief From Muscle Pain
Any individual experiencing muscle pain in one form or another throughout their lives. There are different diseases, smaller and larger, which symptoms include muscle pain in one form or another, but more often than not, this is due to nothing other than their own actions and inaction. It is also usual for us to reduce or find help for their own muscle pain.
Posted on Jan-23-2010

698 Home Treatment For Cough
However, natural remedies can be found right in your kitchen, and need only a little patience before you can take advantage of their long-term consequences.
Posted on Jan-23-2010