Angel Brown's Article in Health and Fitness

540 Drug Testing – A Splendid Way to Catch Drug Addicts
Drug testing is one of the essential procedures that should be conducted at every work place. Although hair drug testing is a bit expensive, it works superb in obtaining accurate results.
Posted on Jan-12-2011

581 An Insight into Pardons and Waivers
A criminal record remains with you as a permanent blot and dooms your future prospect. It will be a frustrating experience for you. The only way to get out of the hovering troubles is being granted pardons and waivers.
Posted on Jan-03-2011

599 Stay away from Drugs
Drugs are destroying the lives of many children and youth. It has now become essential to stop the use of drugs.
Posted on Jan-03-2011

509 What Are The Benefits of Obtaining Pardons and Waivers
Having a stable career is a dream of almost everyone. But an individual with a criminal record has to struggle a lot to establish a hassle-free professional stand which hampers his career to a great extent. Pardons and waivers, in this connection, are the most beneficial services offered to them.
Posted on Dec-24-2010

517 A Variety of Drug Testing Methods
Drug testing is done for the purpose of drug detection. A variety of samples is used for drug detection but urine is the most preferred choice for the lab technicians. Blood and hair can also be used as the samples to identify the illegal drugs.
Posted on Dec-24-2010

567 All about DNA Paternity
This test is reckoned to be a very effective means to determine and establish the biological relationship between a man and child with remarkable accurateness.
Posted on Dec-24-2010

505 Pardons and Waivers – Why Does a Criminal Need Them
A criminal Record is nothing but a permanent spot in one's character. A criminal is seldom allowed to live his rest of the life with honor and dignity. He can not regain the lost social status and has to endure suffering till he breathes his last. Pardons and Waivers can mop this stain from his image.
Posted on Dec-08-2010

545 Drug Testing – An Effective Strategy in Catching Drug Users
Drug testing is a must for every individual for ensuring a safe life. In most of the big companies, a drug test screening must be conducted for every individual.
Posted on Dec-08-2010

586 DNA Paternity Test – A Brief Introduction of the Alternative Samples
DNA paternity test provides an accurate result to confirm the biological bonding between a man and his offspring. DNA is collected from the standard as well as non-standard samples. The non-standard samples are also known to be the alternative sources of DNA extraction and are generally used when it is not possible to directly collect DNA from the individuals.
Posted on Dec-08-2010

504 The usability of DNA paternity and relationship testing
DNA relationship testing is a very scientific and logical way to find out or confirm the biological relationship between two individuals. Read the article to know more about DNA relationship testing.
Posted on Dec-02-2010

519 Needful Information on Canadian Pardon and Waivers
A Canadian pardon helps you to deal with pardons and waivers. This will get rid of that irritating speck from your mind. Read the article to know more.
Posted on Dec-02-2010

523 Cortisol Hair Stress Test To Figure Out The Heart Attack Vulnerability
The cortisol hair stress test is one of the techniques using which your threat to suffer from the disease could be found out. The cortisol test for heart attack vulnerability, therefore, is very useful in case if you have a doubt that you are exposed to any such condition.
Posted on Nov-10-2010

525 Benefits of Canine DNA Breed Analysis Test
There are several benefits of availing the canine DNA breed analysis for your dog. This DNA profile analysis test will assist individuals in maintaining the dog's health and will also let them know about the actual breed of their dog.
Posted on Nov-10-2010

499 Canine DNA Breed Analysis – What You Get to Learn
Canine DNA breed analysis is gaining popularity as the increasing number of dog owners feels interested to know the ancestral heritage of their pets. The sample collection is fairly easy and the test is not expensive. The report of the analysis helps one understand the imminent and remote health hazards that may be experienced by your dog. You can then adopt some effective measures of prevention.
Posted on Nov-10-2010

686 DNA Paternity Test – Find the Answer You Are Dying to Know
The modern method of sample collection for DNA paternity test is easy and causes no pain to the person undergoing the test. There is no other alternative way to determine the biological bonding between a father and his child. In most of the cases, the test is done to clear the doubt regarding the paternity issue. With much evolved technique of sample collection, the test does not cause any physical pain, still one must be prepared for the emotional trauma that may be caused by the negative outco
Posted on Nov-01-2010

561 Genetic Cancer Scan – A Major Breakthrough in Scientific Research
Genetic cancer scan is the true reflective of the outstanding progress in the arena of biological science. The scan is the revelation of the fact if a person is at-risk to be prone to seven sorts of cancers. Earlier detection helps a person take precautionary measurements to avert the attack of cancer.
Posted on Nov-01-2010

720 DNA Paternity Test Clears Your Paternity Doubts
Scientific inventions have led to the emergence of several technologies with the help of which you can perform the activities that were difficult earlier. DNA relationship testing is one such examination. Among other relationship testing, DNA paternity is the technique through which the truth of a father-son relationship could be revealed.
Posted on Nov-01-2010

805 Know Something More About DNA Relationship & Hair Drug Testing
The DNA samples act as the best source for doing biological tests to obtain accurate results. DNA relationship testing is one of the tests that is performed to prove the biological truth behind different relationships. In addition, hair drug testing has also become popular because of its extensive use in investigation issues.
Posted on Oct-22-2010

654 Cortisol Hair Stress Test – Check Out Your Chances Of Experiencing A Heart Attack
Continuous researches and inventions that are done in the scientific field makes it quite easier to detect the presence of diseases within humans. Cortisol hair stress test helps people detect whether they are at high risk of having heart problems. This is, basically, considered to be a form of cortisol cardiac test.
Posted on Oct-22-2010

628 DNA Profile Analysis Helps To Look Into An Individual's Parentage
The DNA profile analysis is done to to look into an individual's parentage and to determine if he is susceptible to any type of genetic disorders. This technique has also helped the law enforcement department to put the deserving criminals behind bars and to rule out innocent suspects.
Posted on Oct-22-2010

422 DNA Paternity Test Can Assist to Stop Fraudulent Child Support
Individuals can easily avoid paying the cost of child support if they are doubtful about the paternity. DNA paternity test is a effective procedure to prove their innocence. Paternity fraud test can reveal numerous shameful cases of paternity fraud.
Posted on Oct-11-2010

429 A Brief About Prenatal Gender Testing and DNA Paternity Test
Prenatal gender testing is an efficient way to detect the gender of fetus whereas DNA paternity tests are undertaken by individuals to establish the biological relationship between a child and the accused father. It is always advised to undertake these tests under the supervision of medical professionals.
Posted on Oct-11-2010

431 DNA Relationship Testing – Accurate Approach To Determine Paternity
The DNA relationship testing is mostly performed to confirm the paternity of a child. To perform this test, DNA samples of both the child and the supposed father are required. This test is grabbing a huge attention of the masses as its result is believed to be the most accurate.
Posted on Oct-11-2010

1160 Boy or Girl? - Prenatal Gender Testing Can Help in Identifying the Sex of the Unborn
Several of you may be eager to know about the sex of your unborn. Prenatal gender testing is the best way to identify the sex of unborn child. Accurate result is provided by this test. Another test named canine DNA breed analysis help you to identify the breed of your dog.
Posted on Sep-30-2010

1288 Accuracy of DNA Paternity Test Results Makes It The Best Testing Technique
DNA paternity is a technique utilizing which the biological truth behind a father- son relationship can easily be found out. In many instances, it has been observed that sometimes, the DNA paternity test becomes essential to be conducted from legal point of view to put forth the truth of a child-father relationship.
Posted on Sep-30-2010