Yossarian Smythe's Article in Debt Consolidation
Bad debt: How To Escape From Its Clutches
Basically, the term bad debt suggests the uncollectible debts and therefore, they are worthless for the creditors. Generally, the loan turns into bad debt after every attempt to collect it fails. Thus, the bad debt is the product of debtor going to bankruptcy or where the cost of pursuing the debt is more than the amount of debt.
Posted on Feb-18-2010
General Tips on Debt
ACCUMULATED unpaid dues hurt, especially if acquired through credit cards. People wanting to get out of debt mess are strongly advised either to stop using credit cards or to at least see to it to pay whatever is charged to your account at the end of the month.
Posted on Nov-03-2009
Step Farther from Debt
BORROWING money for valid reasons at a time when it is most needed isn’t actually a bad idea. Most of us would agree that it is the most logical thing to do, especially during emergencies. But how do we really keep ourselves away from debt mess?
Posted on Nov-03-2009
The Art of Dealing with Debt Collectors
ANNOYED with calls from debt collecting agencies? Pressured perhaps or threatened? People who have accumulated obligations that have been remiss often suffer from frequent calls to pay up.
Posted on Nov-03-2009
The Business of Buying Debt
WHILE most of us would want to get out of a debt mess, there is actually a lucrative business whose business is to “buy debt”. While collecting somebody else’s debt is already in itself a big business, buying debt is a much lucrative scheme.
Posted on Nov-03-2009
Debt-Free Me
INCURRING debt is a normal thing in a place that is hit and adversely affected by global recession. To some, it is “unavoidable”. Indebtedness however should stop at some point.
Posted on Nov-03-2009
Why You Should Practice Proper Credit Card Maintenance
In today’s world, everyone old enough to understand the concept of personal finance has at least one credit card. When it comes to getting a credit card, advice wouldn’t be necessary as applications show up in the mail or through the phone very frequently. It’s managing the card that needs to be taken care of.
Posted on Jul-24-2009
Important Things to Remember When Borrowing Money
Whether you’re setting up a small business, remodeling your kitchen set, paying some emergency bills, or for hospitalization, you’ll need to borrow money from time to time. There are a lot of financial institutions that offer loans such as banks and credit unions.
Posted on Jul-24-2009