Yossarian Smythe's Article in Credit

1010 The Top 3 Personal Finance Books
With all the fuss regarding the global financial crisis, personal finance and money are such scorching hot topics these days. It’s no wonder a lot of authors capitalize on this trend by publishing lots and lots of personal finance books.
Posted on Jul-24-2009

1329 The Power of Change in Personal Finance
It seems that change is the underlying theme in the American culture today. With the new administration in the White House and a fresh sense of “new” things to come, people are looking to change their old ways and move on to a new and perhaps better way of life.
Posted on Jul-24-2009

1420 Stay Away From These Financial Services
Now that the recession is in full force, there’s no denying that thousands of jobs are lost, hiring of new employees as well as salaries of old ones are frozen, and stock and housing markets are running significantly lower than they have in decades.
Posted on Jul-24-2009

1671 How to Invest Wisely in This Bad Economy
All anyone cares about today is finding the safest place to invest their money. The answer used to be in banks and the stock market, but after the catastrophic events in the past year, no one wants to put their money in those investments vehicles anymore. People are very skeptical nowadays.
Posted on Jul-24-2009

1223 Have Yourself a Personal Financial Timeline
Since day one of working as an employee, you’ve been working hard and disciplining yourself. You got promoted and experienced increases in your salary. You’re finally at the coveted position known as “in the black”, which means you now earn more than you spend.
Posted on Jul-24-2009

1135 Avoid These Stock Market Investing Mistakes
It takes more than a trained eye to be successful in investing. Even the most financially savvy individuals still make mistakes when it comes to putting their money in investment vehicles in an effort to build their wealth.
Posted on Jul-24-2009