Winston Camel's Article in Product Reviews

967 Increase of Tobacco Tax is Bringing Employment Down
Picture yourself some farmers to become bankrupt, or scores of people who were dismissed from a factory they were working whole life at. Picture yourself scores of jobs to be moved out of the country to places where the workforce is cheaper.
Posted on Apr-09-2011

624 Cigarettes are better than Alcohol
Everyone knows that binge is nasty, slimy, disgusting, and vile. It causes headaches in the after-mornings. It turns a human into a beast, which got single happiness in life - a sip of plain water and a breath of fresh air.
Posted on Apr-09-2011

983 Women and Tobacco: The Global Tendency
Smoking among women is likely to become more and more. The role of women in society increases; women are increasing and financial opportunities.
Posted on Apr-09-2011