William Hauselberg's Article in Health and Fitness

835 Personalized Chemotherapy Can Offer Patients a Better Chance
Personalized chemotherapy is available in Pittsburgh and in locations across the country. It is an adaptive technique used by pioneering doctors attempting to make chemotherapy more efficacious. Prior to what is known as personalized chemotherapy, treatment conditions were determined according to formulas that applied to the general population.
Posted on Dec-16-2009

1176 Home Health Care for Seniors in Northern USA
When considering in home care for seniors, one should remember to take a multitude of factors into consideration. Time, money and other resources are obvious considerations, however many people fail to think of less immediately obvious factors such as terrain and topography.
Posted on Dec-08-2009

1123 Finding a Reliable In Home Caregiver for a Senior Loved One
Giving care to seniors is a fact of life for many children of elderly parents. In cities with very large senior citizen populations, such as Miami and Pittsburgh, many adult children find themselves in the position of having to be a senior caregiver. This is especially true in a city like Pittsburgh, where families often stay together and adult children live in the same city, and often the same neighborhood as their parents.
Posted on Dec-09-2009

1174 The Basics of Senior In Home Care
As we live longer and healthier lives than ever before, the need for senior in home care his growing sharply. Each year, more than 22,000 agencies throughout the United States offer senior in home care to more than 2 million people with physical disabilities, chronic health problems, dementia, or terminal illnesses.
Posted on Dec-08-2009

661 There are a Number of Cancer Treatments Available in Pittsburgh
If you've been diagnosed with cancer, you want to find the best treatments, irrespective of what you are suffering from. If you are a woman, suffering from cervical cancer, it is very important that you find the best cervical cancer treatment in Pittsburgh.
Posted on Nov-13-2009

1032 Home Care in Natural Retirement Communities Has Great Benefits
A recent article in the New York Times covers the benefits of "NORCs" – Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities.
Posted on Oct-27-2009

878 Respite Care Can Give Family Members a Much Needed Break
It is a well established fact that being able to continue living independently is beneficial for many seniors. Enabling seniors to retain some of their freedom and independence has shown to positively impact their mental health and outlook.
Posted on Oct-26-2009

772 Asthma and Homeopathy
I never cease to be amazed when doing research for a new article. I wanted to write about asthma, which I do know a lot about, as my husband suffers from it, but since he uses natural remedies for asthma, I had no idea what some people go through, just to breathe.
Posted on Oct-20-2009

677 Homeopathy & Bio Terrorism (no new thing under the sun)
What is our best defense against a bio terrorist attack? The key is having a homeopathic kit with the proper remedies, specifically targeting things such as deadly flu viruses, anthrax, small pox, botulism, and even nuclear attack.
Posted on Oct-20-2009

778 Replacement CPAP Masks Come in All Shapes and Sizes
For anyone with sleep apnea, CPAPs are a way of life. CPAP machines treat sleep apnea and allow people with sleep apnea to sleep normally. Since the CPAP machine must be used every night, it is important to have CPAP masks which are comfortable. Fortunately there are a wide variety of masks available.
Posted on Oct-12-2009

808 Difficulty Sleeping? Maybe you have Sleep Apnea or Anxiety
Did you have a great night of sleep last night? Many Americans didn't. This is partially because of our lifestyles. Americans are some of the busiest people in the world. Waking up early for work, combined with staying up late, leads to less sleep for the average American. There are other reasons people aren't sleeping well, however. There are many medical conditions which can lead to a decreased quality of sleep.
Posted on Oct-12-2009

1194 CPAP Masks Offer the Greatest Relief from Sleep Apnea
For those with sleep apnea, there are several choices for treatment. Since there are no medications for the treatment for sleep apnea, the prevailing treatments for sleep apnea are physical treatment and surgical treatment.
Posted on Aug-06-2009

953 CPAP Machines Offer Help Sleep Apnea Patents Sleep Easy
Many people suffer from sleep apnea and don’t even know it. This is because sleep apnea happens while the person is asleep, and the only effects people generally feel from it are increased sleepiness.
Posted on Aug-05-2009