Willard Johnson's Article in Health and Fitness

727 Skin Infection Prevention Shower Gel Can Help
Are you suffering from a skin infection of some kind? Maybe you don't even know you have one. Skin infections can be a pain to live with. They irritate the skin, causing itching and a consistent burning sensation.
Posted on Dec-27-2010

671 Tea Tree Oil Be Antibacterial Without Chemicals
Antibacterial cleansing products are very effective in killing bacteria that could potentially be harmful to humans. Shower gels and soaps are often used to combat this problem. However, you can get the same antibacterial protection without having to use products that contain hard-to-pronounce ingredients.
Posted on Dec-27-2010

613 Get Rid of Pimples Got A Pimple Problem
Acne can be rather embarassing, especially if you’ve got acne on your face. The bumps stand out and draw attention. If you’ve got this problem, how do you go about solving it? There are many different kinds of acne-fighting medications on the market, as well as acne cream, and they work with varying degrees of effectiveness.
Posted on Dec-27-2010

559 Super Body Care Natural Antibacterial with Tea Tree Oil
Taking care of your body is absolutely essential, and using products that fight against bacteria is a great first step because antibacterial properties help to eliminate harmful bacteria from your skin, especially when they contain other natural ingredients like tea tree oil.
Posted on Dec-27-2010

723 What is That Rash And What Can I Do To Eliminate It?
Numerous skin conditions, allergic reactions, as well as fungal and bacterial infections, can present people with a skin rash. Rashes can range from a simple reddened area of skin to raised, cracked, broken, or blistered skin with varying degrees of itchiness or dry patches.
Posted on Sep-18-2010

640 Proper Hygiene Helps To Fight Multiple Ailments
The use of antibacterial soap, dish liquid, shower gel, and other products is widely popular in today’s society. Just take a stroll down the soap aisle of your favorite grocer and you will see clear evidence of the broad use of antibacterial cleansers. To look at that grocer aisle, a person might think we are a society obsessed with germ fighting.
Posted on Jul-13-2010

755 Preventative Measures To Protect Against Viral & Bacterial Infections
The prevalence of drug-resistant strains of E. coli and cellulitis infections presents pharmaceutical companies with a host of challenges to continually develop antiviral treatments and medications that stay one step ahead of these fast-adapting bacterium and viruses.
Posted on Jul-10-2010