Vivoderm's Article in Beauty
Five Top Ways to Age Gracefully
Daily lifestyle choices you can make and change for beautiful younger-looking skin and increased health.
The biological make-up of our skin begins to show signs of aging as early as our 20s. Age shows not only on our face, neck and chest but all over. There are many ways to care for your skin and prevent premature aging. Following are five ways that you can age gracefully. These are things you can do in your daily life that will dramatically reduce signs of aging.
Posted on Jun-23-2010
Hydrating and Moisturizing Your Skin
What is hydration and how does it pertain to your skin? How to keep your skin and body moisturized and hydrated.
Water makes up to 98 percent of our body and without this life-giving fluid, you and I would not survive. The human body can survive for up to three weeks on water alone, withhold the water and you might make it four to five days. It's a truly amazing and health-sustaining fluid!
Posted on Jun-22-2010
Four Steps to a Great Complexion and Reduced Wrinkles
To help sort through the millions of skincare products on the market today, read about the four basic tips for a great complexion to help you define your skincare needs.
Today there are many products on the market to keep skin looking young, fresh and healthy. The reality is that some people are not going to spend the money or take the time to use all these products on their skin every day. However, there are four basic steps one can follow to maintain healthy skin and prevent premature agin
Posted on Jun-01-2010