Umarexusa's Article in Small Business

1462 Beretta Px4 Storm Recon CO2 Pistol Review
I recently had the distinct pleasure of shooting a Beretta Px4 Storm Recon CO2 pistol (pull down menu on right) from Umarex USA. In the realm of CO2 replicas, this example of a Beretta Px4 Storm variant with Walther Xenon Tactical Light and Walther Green Shot Dot holographic sight is well worth shooting and/or collecting.
Posted on Jan-06-2011

923 RWS LP8 Pistol Review
I was as thrilled as many other owners of the Walther LP53 air pistol (“LP” is German for Luft Pistole) when James Bond appeared on movie posters for four of his films holding this svelte pistol.
Posted on Dec-01-2010

685 Bent Barrel Prevention
The Umarex USA Service Department typically receives one or two break barrel rifles per week that have upward bent barrels. At first, this might seem like a strange phenomenon.
Posted on Nov-02-2010