Trip Jendron's Article in Finance

378 Find your Way through Loan Products with Wyndham Capital Mortgage
The time when every mortgage lender offered the same type of loan to every customer has long since passed. Today, both large and small mortgage banks try to customize their loan products to fit their customer’s needs as well as keep the existing and repeat customers happy.
Posted on Jul-15-2010

758 Wyndham Capital Mortgage Has Struck a Balance
Charlotte ranks near top of cities in attracting young workers and Wyndham Capital Mortgage takes second place for Work/Life balance. Cities are in a mad scramble to grow and retain the next generation of talented workers and leaders to move their communities and corporations forward.
Posted on May-29-2010

599 Wyndham Capital Mortgage Grows While Rivals Cut Back
When Charlotte-based LendingTree was blooming into a national online loan-exchange service in 2001, Douglas decided to leave his promising job there as an account manager to start his own business.
Posted on Apr-21-2010