Tim Yeomans's Article in Health and Fitness

138 Toy Safety Study – non-compliance with EN-71
The Pro-Safe Report released in 2010 makes for very interesting reading. It was a joint market surveillance action on toys, co-ordinated by the Product Safety Enforcement Forum of Europe.
Posted on Aug-10-2011

157 Hay fever – not to be sneezed at
Hay fever is an allergy to pollen or spores and it causes the inside of your nose to become inflamed. It may also affect the sinuses, throat and eyes. For those with hay fever, the condition can range from mildly irritating to debilitating in its effects.
Posted on Aug-09-2011

143 Dimethyl Fumurate in furniture and footwear
Since 2009 a temporary dimethyl fumarate (DMF) import ban for all member states of the EU has been in place following reports that DMF in leather sofas was associated with severe skin reactions. DMF is an anti-fungal/biocidal agent and is known to cause physical reactions like dermatitis or allergies.
Posted on Aug-09-2011