Thick Quick's Article in Women's Issues

221 Choosing Butt Implants, Brazilian Butt Lifts or Bigger Buttocks Exercises
There are many options to improving the look of one’s behind. Some choose butt implants or Brazilian butt lifts to obtain the rounded, fuller look that they desire. Others opt for bigger buttocks exercises to try and enhance the form of their behind.
Posted on Oct-11-2011

322 Gluteus Maximus, Gluteus Medius and Other Fatasses
Women today are concerned about how they are viewed from behind. Working on the gluteus maximus and gluteus medius as well as other portions of their buttocks helps them to fill out their clothing in a way that looks good. While there are many ways that a person can obtain the fatasses that they desire, this system has been proven to work effectively.
Posted on Oct-11-2011