Tanay's Article in Relationships

1195 New Tips To Get Your Ex Back
Do you fantasize about getting your ex back? Do you miss the best times you had together and long to make things right? There may still be hope if you do it right. Take it from me. It is possible to get your ex back. Perhaps you have been on the verge of giving up because your friends and family members may not be very supportive of you trying to get your ex back. They may advise you to let go of the relationship and find someone better.
Posted on Jun-26-2009

1601 10 Tips To Get Over Your Ex As Quickly As Possible
Getting over your ex is something that most of us have to do at some point in our life. Some people more than others. When the ex means a divorce in involved then the break up is all the more harder. It is said that time is a great healer and that is true, but also taking action is vital. Just what action should you take?
Posted on Jun-26-2009