T. Owen Rassman's Article in Business

819 The Roles and Responsibilities of a Probate Executor
A probate executor is a person appointed to administer your estate after your death. If you fail to select an executor, the court will select one for you.
Posted on Mar-31-2020

664 Top Reasons Why People Postpone Estate Planning?
Did you know 40% of American adults have a Will or Trust? That percentage drops dramatically for younger age groups
Posted on Mar-17-2020

647 Tips To Choose the Right Estate Planning Lawyer
While planning your estate, you may feel it complex and a length procedure. Hiring a lawyer from estate planning law firm in Carlsbad CA will help you complete the task without any stress. Without the help of a lawyer, you may find it difficult to deal with the estate planning process.
Posted on Mar-17-2020

519 Can a Revocable Living Trust Help You Avoid Probate?
Have you ever heard the term ‘revocable living trust?’ It has become a hot topic of discussion among the tax and estate planners these days. Even though it sounds to be difficult and complex, the process of making a revocable living trust is simple.
Posted on Mar-16-2020

616 What is a Living Will and Why is it Important?
A "Living Will" is a document that allows us to set forth our health care wishes. In a comprehensive estate plan, it’s ideally located within our "Advance Health Care Directive". The terms are often used interchangeably, along with "Power of Attorney for Health Care", but the bottom line is this: if it’s important to you that your health care wishes be known and that someone you trust have the authority to advocate for you in the event you lack capacity to do so yourself...
Posted on Aug-06-2019

645 Avoid These 5 Common Estate Planning Mistakes
A small mistake in an estate plan can lead to gigantic consequences after your death.
Posted on Jul-18-2019

799 Why do You Need an Estate Planning Attorney in Carlsbad CA
Death is one of the uncertainties in our life and can come at any time following a debilitating illness or without warning.
Posted on May-22-2019