Suzzanesimpson's Article in Finance

520 2nd Mortgage vs. Home Equity Loan vs. Home Equity Line of Credit
The finance industry often advertises 2nd mortgages, home equity loans, and home equity lines of credit and they try to entice you into securing either one or the other. The distinction between the three is sometimes muddled. Is there a difference? Isn't the home equity loan the same thing as a 2nd mortgage? How is a 2nd mortgage different from a line of credit? These terms have been the source of a lot of confusion in the mortgage industry and many people have applied for one when they should h
Posted on Dec-02-2011

542 Second Mortgages to Fund Your Business
Many aspiring business owners overlook this convenient source of money: second mortgages. A second mortgage is a very affordable way to fund a business venture. Taking out a second mortgage, or home equity loan, is one of the simplest and fastest ways to borrow money for any person who wants to start or expand a business. If you have accumulated a considerable amount of equity in your home, this kind of loan could be the answer you need for providing that much-needed operating capital to your ne
Posted on Dec-02-2011

492 The 2nd Mortgage and its Role in Your Economic Revitalization
It has been widely held that home ownership is a cornerstone to the economy. When the economy takes a beating, the real estate industry becomes one of the hardest hit industries. Real estate produces a number of jobs for the economy, and when this industry suffers, many others start to suffer in its wake. One of the things that affect the economy is the 2nd mortgage. When you take out a 2nd mortgage, the real estate industry will discuss the effect it has on the economy of the government and the
Posted on Dec-02-2011

586 Things You Can Do with a 2nd Mortgage
A 2nd mortgage can be of a much larger benefit than just having extra money in your pocket. A 2nd mortgage is a loan on your home that is secondary to the first mortgage. With all of the advertisements for these types of loans, more people are considering them as a useful source of needed funds. If you are considering this loan, you may wonder if this is the right loan for you and if your needs can actually be met with this loan. There are an innumerable plethora of things that can be funded wit
Posted on Dec-02-2011

489 Isn’t A Bank’s Loan Officer the same as a Mortgage Broker?
A bank’s loan officer and a mortgage broker have similar titles and both work with mortgages; this leads to some confusion about whether or not the two are one in the same. But the truth is that beyond those two similarities, these two couldn’t be more different.
Posted on Dec-02-2011

568 New Life New Loan: Responsible Refinancing
Congratulations! You just got married. This is such a joyous time in your life. You got through the wedding—thank God! And, you relaxed on your blissful honeymoon—perfection! Now you are home and ready to start your new life together. Just as you are thinking about how to change your house to accommodate your new partner they throw a monkey wrench into the equation—they want to be on the mortgage. Uh oh, what do you do?
Posted on Dec-02-2011

561 Refinancing In A Recovering Economy
So, today’s economic news does not make the average stock investor happy. Unemployment is high; states, municipalities and the federal government are having record debt crisis; jobless claims are going up-- we are certainly not in Kansas anymore.
Posted on Nov-08-2011

564 Refinance With the Times: Interview Your Bank
You’ve long since graduated high school. And you’ve been in your current career quite awhile; owned your own home not much longer after that. You’ve just gotten yourself and your new family on your feet and now, you have to take care of your aging parents or your partner’s aging parents
Posted on Nov-08-2011

564 Organize And Refinance: Rebuild Your Credibility
So, now it is time to buy a house or time to buy another house. You may have decided renting is not for you because you realized renting is throwing money away or perhaps it’s the first time you’re striking out on your own, and you just want to be a homeowner. Maybe you now have a family or you found a great deal on a house.
Posted on Nov-08-2011