Steve-0's Article in Current Events

3306 President Kennedy, the Federal Reserve and Executive Order 11110
President Kennedy tried by Executive Order 11110 to release America from the hands of greedy bankers (the Federal Reserve, which is neither a federal agency or a money reserve), however it was never fully implemented after his tragic death (five months later) by any other president. “The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the Americans freedom and before I leave office, I must inform the citizens of this plight.” — President John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Posted on Oct-06-2011

2233 Russia's Return to Brutality
As reported by the Guardian, Russia's spy agency is waging a massive undercover campaign of harassment against British and American diplomats, as well as other targets, using deniable "psychological" techniques developed by the KGB, a new book reveals. The federal security service (FSB's) operation involves breaking into the private homes of western diplomats - a method the US state department describes as "home intrusions".
Posted on Sep-25-2011