Steve Stein's Article in Home and Family

633 Using Heat Is the Best Way to Kill Bed Bugs
Bed bugs are a problem that no one ever wants to have to deal with. Discovering that you have bed bugs in your home can be shocking and rather disturbing. It’s a disgusting infestation to have to deal with and it will feel overwhelming unless you reach out to professionals. Thankfully, professional exterminators are very adept at getting rid of these pests.
Posted on Jul-19-2018

692 Treating Bed Bugs in Your Home
If you’re living in a home with bed bugs, it is essential that you hire professional help to treat the issue so you can go back to living a comfortable life. While bed bugs aren’t necessarily considered to be dangerous by themselves, the bumps caused by their bites could cause excessive scratching, which may cause separate, more serious issues.
Posted on Jul-18-2018