Steve Devis's Article in Customer Service

339 Choose solar energy and keep the planet green and livable
Sun is a star. In fact a superstar when it comes to energy. Why not harness it to the max. Why waste the depleting natural deposits like coal to light up your home and run machineries in the factory. Sun will take care of all your energy needs. Open the windows of thoughts and allow it to come in.
Posted on Nov-24-2011

342 For a complete solution in brushless PM motors choose STG
If you want brushless permanent magnet motors and motor drives for your specific requirement, then Strategic Technology Group (STG) is the best group. They will design, develop and manufacture brushless PM motors and motor drives for you. They also offer comprehensive analysis of motors, drive products and systems and motion control. They assist you in selection, sizing and configuration of Motor Control System. Thus they provide you with end to end solution.
Posted on Nov-24-2011

351 A courier company that understands your business challenges
When you subscribe to Smart Delivery Service for the courier or delivery services you take the best logistic decision for your business. With their personal attention to your requirements and courteous behavior, they’ll win your heart. They will customize your courier solution to meet your business ends.
Posted on Nov-24-2011

320 A logistics company that ensures delivery commitments are met everytime
An evolved and efficient transportation system is considered one of the most vital components in the success of an economy. Well connected by roads, railways, airways, waterways system through the length and breadth of the country is the single most important factor in deciding the trade and business conditions in the economy.
Posted on Nov-24-2011