Sleep Care's Article in Alternative Medicine
CPAP induced Aerophagia
The Greek meaning of Aerophagia is “eating air”, and often leaves you feeling like you need to belch or vomit, yet are unable to. Sleep care happens when a person swallows too much air, causing abdominal bloating and belching. Aerophagia can be very painful and cause sleep disruption, sometime not allowing you to fall asleep at all.
Posted on Nov-08-2011
Sleep medicine, Sleep study, Sleep disorders: More on sleep disorders
Have a sleep study. Talk to your family doctor about a sleep study to determine if you have sleep apnea. Correcting sleep disorders can help control sleep bruxism.
Posted on Oct-20-2011
Insomnia: more on sleeping
Roughly 48% of Americans report experiencing insomnia at least occasionally, with 22% suffering from insomnia almost every night.
Posted on Sep-02-2011
sleep apnea: have soundf sleep
The goal is to widen the airway, making it less likely for it to collapse or partially collapse and cause the problems commonly associated with sleep apnea.
Posted on Aug-26-2011
Insomnia and Sleeping Medications: essential for sound sleep
They have a hypnotic effect on the body and generally work to promote or protect sleep by shielding the brain from distractions (noise, worries, pain, etc.) that could disrupt rest during the night.
Posted on Aug-07-2011
Sleep Apnea: sleep matters indeed
The Sleep Community is a vast and interconnected network of healthcare professionals. There are numerous professional organizations whose goals are to promote quality patient care and further research for new and improved treatments. Patients should always consider exploring the various options available for treating their sleeping issues.
Posted on Jul-11-2011