Shirley Padilla's Article in Reference and Education

793 Importance of Early Childhood Outdoor Play!
Do you know why physicians’ advice to let your kids play outdoor? It is because - the exposure to sunlight can help boost vitamin-D levels. Also, spending time outdoors may lower your child’s chances of being short-sighted.
Posted on Dec-04-2018

939 Why Should Your Child Attend a Preschool In Albuquerque?
Children learn from the time they take birth. The truth as to who are his or her parents and who is not, how to react when one feels hungry, happy and even every emotional response.
Posted on Aug-13-2018

886 Good Reasons to Choose Summer Preschool Programs in Albuquerque for Your Kid
As the parent, you will feel intimidating by sending your kids off to preschool for summer preschool programs. This will especially happen if your child hasn't gone to preschool yet. However, a summer preschool program in Albuquerque is an excellent opportunity for your child to learn and grow.
Posted on Jul-24-2018

939 Why Preschool Is Good for Your Child?
Are you afraid that your child is still too small to be placed in a structured environment? Don’t worry; preschool staffs will take care of it! Research say, the children who attend preschool enter schools with better pre-reading skills, richer vocabularies, and stronger basic math skills than those who do not.
Posted on May-31-2018

1160 Improving The Listening Skills of Your Child is Easy. Here’s how
Making conversations with your child is a must. Children, at their very young age, develop superior listening skills. Listening skills in children is something that has to be exercised for consistent improvement.
Posted on Apr-16-2018

792 Importance of Outdoor Activities for Your Children
Data driven from 2016-2017 show that nearly 1 in 5 school age children in the United States has obesity. Obesity is nothing but an excess fat.
Posted on Apr-06-2018

1024 Things Everyone Needs To Know About Early Childhood Education
The advantage of letting your children attend preschool is a highly debated topic. Though there have been many arguments made against the necessity of early childhood education, the cumulative findings prove that the merits of preschool tutelage are real.
Posted on Jan-30-2018

744 Is Preschool Education Bad? 3 Common Myths About Preschool Education Debunked
Parenthood brings in so many challenges and worries along the way, so much so that parents find it hard to keep up. One of the questions that they would probably have is whether preschool education is really necessary.
Posted on Jan-12-2018

822 How Parents Benefit From Preschool Education for Kids
Preschool education, of course, plays a very definitive role in the development of a child, be it academically or socially.
Posted on Dec-14-2017

787 How to Find the Best Preschool for your Child? Here are 4 Tips
Finding the best preschool for your child can be both thrilling and exhausting. Pre-school marks a new beginning in your child’s life, hence as a parent, you will have to make sure to give them the best.
Posted on Nov-06-2017

769 Questions To Ask While Choosing a Preschool for your Child
While choosing a preschool for your child, it is necessary to check their education process, their practice of motivating your child in all aspects, and the facilities provided for the kids learning there.
Posted on Oct-11-2017

1031 Why Your Child Should Attend Pre School
We all know that our child’s education matters. However, to what extent they do is something that we don’t all agree. Another point of disagreement is, at what stage should your kids start schooling.
Posted on Sep-25-2017

793 Lifetime Benefits Of Preschools
Out of all the decisions to be made for the welfare of your children, deciding whether to send them to preschools in Albuquerque is a major one.
Posted on Aug-18-2017

1048 Instructions to Follow While Enrolling Your Kid In a Pre-school
As a parent, it is your duty to plan the future of your kids. By providing the right foundation for their development, you can bring them brighter prospects. This doesn’t mean that you need to find the best pre-school in Albuquerque with almost no flaws.
Posted on Jul-26-2017