Sher Bahadur Thapa's Article in Small Business

611 Contemporary Insights About Organic Chemistry
Organic chemistry is a peculiar discipline within the subject of chemistry. It is the scientific study of the structure, properties, composition, reactions, and synthesis of organic compounds which, by definition contain carbon. These compounds are molecules composed of carbon and hydrogen, and may include other elements as well. A lot of organic compounds contain nitrogen, oxygen, halogens, and more rarely phosphorus or sulfur.
Posted on Dec-03-2011

583 Production And Uses Of Conveyor Belts
In different industries, material handling equipment are highly required for the loading and transit of the goods over a short distance. Conveyor Belt are mostly used for this purpose. These are basically Belts, which are looped endlessly over rollers and two terminal pulleys that rotate and move the belt along. It has a flat surface and and it slides.
Posted on Oct-15-2011