Sha Amen's Article in Internet Business
Banner Design and Marketing
You will hear a lot of people saying that banner designing and marketing is the thing of the past. Today, SEO, PPC and Social Media rock, so no need to go for this obsolete method to promote your business, because you will only end up wasting your time and money.
Posted on Jul-05-2010
Should You Care About the Quality of Your Web Design?
There are a lot of online businesses out there that wonder why they are not making any money at all. They started out with a plan, a good product and a desire to succeed, but they miserably failed to convert visitors into customers.
Posted on Jul-05-2010
Website Design Procedure for New Buyers
If you want to get your website designed (and this is your first time), then you might be thinking what steps you should take to get a top quality website. There are so many companies out there that we get confused at times that who to choose and who to avoid.
Posted on Jul-05-2010
Logo Design Tips and Tricks for Logo Buyers
When new buyers are ready to buy a logo design for their business or website, they think what they should do. Whether they should hire a design company, a freelancer or start a contest. These are currently the top 3 ways of getting your logo designed online.
Posted on Jul-05-2010
Should You Care About the Quality of Your Logo Design?
A lot of businesses create a logo design because they notice that their competitors have one. So, they hire a cheap designer to create one for them. Or, even worse, they fire off MS Paint and make one themselves. All they care about is its visual appearance. They want it to be colorful with a nice layout.
Posted on Jul-05-2010
Brochure Design Procedure for New Buyers
When someone wants to get a brochure designed, but doesn’t know what steps to take, then it becomes difficult to make any progress. If you want to tell your business story and share your success story with your market and promote your products and services at the same time, then it’s your brochure that will help you achieve all that.
Posted on Jul-05-2010
What to Keep in Mind When You Design a Logo?
Do you want your business to reach the highest peak of success no matter how big your competitors are? If yes, then you can’t afford to be slow or lazy. Realistically speaking, running your business and making it a big success is not a simple game.
Posted on May-13-2010