Sean Horan's Article in Finance
Impact Debt Settlement Offers Debt Advice for a Better Financial Future
If you read the newspaper, listen to the radio, watch television, or browse online, you are going to run into countless ads, articles, and blog posts featuring how to get debt advice. There certainly is no shortage, but not every piece of financial advice is going to work for you and your situation.
Posted on May-03-2010
Debt Can Have an Impact on Your Health
No one thinks debt is fun or enjoyable, but did you know it can also be detrimental to your health? The stress and tension bills can create causes more than just mental discomfort: it can become a serious hazard to your health.
Posted on Mar-26-2010
Making Extra Cash from Debt Settlement Work for You
When one comes to the upsetting realization that his debt is greater than what his income can support, debt settlement can provide a way out. It can also provide that person with debt payments less than his monthly income, thereby resulting in extra cash flow.
Posted on Feb-22-2010
Get Out of Debt for Good with Credit Card Debt Settlement
People with tremendous loads of credit card debt, medical bills, loans, and other forms of unsecured debt are often convinced that bankruptcy is their only option. That can have serious consequences for their future, however, as it becomes harder to get a mortgage, auto loans, and other forms of credit with favorable terms and remains on your credit report for at least seven years.
Posted on Jan-21-2010