Sanjib Sarkar's Article in Health and Fitness

458 Proven Ways To Stay Away From Poison Ivy
Exposure to poison ivy can be a truly annoying if not painful experience. Anyone who has suffered from it will tell you that it can be painful. Once your skin has been exposed, it seems to take on a life of its own: a painful, itchy rash that spreads quickly, is easily irritated, and is very contagious-both from person to person as well as from body part to body part.
Posted on Mar-12-2010

645 Clinical ADHD Trials With Homeopathy
ADHD is a common ailment affecting many children. This article examines a series of homeopathy trials with ADHD.
Posted on Feb-09-2010

783 What Is To Become Of Homeopathy In The Future
This article talks about homeopathy currently and what may become of homeopathy in the future.
Posted on Feb-02-2010

806 Is The Influenza Flu Vaccine For You
The flu vaccine is produced every year from the US. This flu vaccine is commonly know as influenza vaccine. Influenza vaccine contains a small amount of flu virus which helps your body produce antibodies to help fight off the flu.
Posted on Nov-05-2009