Sanjay Joshi's Article in Interior Design

915 Discover The Amazing World Of Wallpaper Murals For Home Decoration
Mural paintings have been a part of our ancient civilization since stone ages. People use to decorate their places of living with pictorial representation of their feelings through the walls and ceilings.
Posted on Nov-26-2011

1003 Bring In The Experience Of The Being In A Skyscraper Through Stunning New York Wall Murals
New York has been the point of attraction for many of us through the days of its evolution. Stunning sky scrapers and the sky-gazing apartments, business places and amazing lightings of this city has always attracted visitors from every corner of the world.
Posted on Nov-26-2011

992 Enjoy the Bliss of Cool Beaches with Beach Wallpapers and Murals in Your Living Places
Beaches have always been an attraction for most of us. People usually find time out to spend some highly relaxing moments on the shore. The cool breeze and the soothing sound of water are gorgeous for a relaxing atmosphere.
Posted on Nov-26-2011

898 Call The Nature To Your Living Zone With Bewitching Forest Murals And Wallpapers
Who does not love the nature? Who does not dream of being in the calm lap of nature, enjoying the greenery listening to the chirps and coos? Who have not dreamt of lying side by the lines of the springs listening to the symphony of the water? All of us love, don’t we?
Posted on Nov-25-2011

783 Add a Unique touch to your Rooms with Wall Murals
Wall murals are the latest trend in interior designing these days. Painting murals on walls has been a prehistoric art found even on caves. Today’s wall murals are much easier to get and no longer meant for the very few who can afford them.
Posted on Nov-25-2011

881 Bring Mother Nature into your Home with the Mysterious Beauty of the Forests
Traditionally murals were painstakingly painted on walls and ceilings to bring alive a room with vivid scenes and vibrant colors. However this took months to be created. Today wallpaper murals have taken their place with images being printed digitally on the wallpaper providing an almost photo finish.
Posted on Nov-25-2011

812 Wallpaper Murals Becoming Favorite Among The Masses As Forms Of Interior Decoration
In modern society, there has been a concerted effort to build houses and buildings which are visually appealing as well as have an aesthetic sense to them. During the making of these buildings, not only the exterior is given a posh look, but also the inside is crafted to give the appearance of more than the actual space.
Posted on Oct-18-2011

919 Transform A Simple Living Space Or Office Room Into An Exotic Surrounding With Wallpaper Murals
Each one of us is interested to showcase our houses or office rooms with the best environment. People, who can afford the painting or wall hanging, buy these from antique shops or art galleries and put it in their room for bringing a different feel. These people have large rooms at their disposal as their houses are big and can accommodate such items.
Posted on Oct-18-2011

918 Putting Up Wallpaper Murals of a Large Variety Makes These Works Famous
Decorating the walls of homes and offices is a common feature. This is done by people not only to create a great atmosphere inside the room but also bring in variations with each new design of the wallpaper murals. The concept of murals is not very new, as they were present in some form or the other, since ancient times.
Posted on Oct-18-2011

894 Enliven The Living Environment With Wallpaper Murals UK With Changes To Suit The Taste
Decorating one’s room is a hobby for people, and they do it with all their enthusiasm and by use of resources available for them. There are a variety of ways by which the simple looking room can be brought to life. Be it a large living room or a master bedroom, every room has a potential to make you feel good. Even the office cubicles and rooms can be given a format that will appeal to the eyes and create a soothing effect on the mind.
Posted on Oct-18-2011