Sanjay Joshi's Article in Health and Fitness

1136 Understanding The Work Ethics And Values Of The Locum Tenens Physician
Plenty of people are seen entering into the practice of locum tenens, which in the modern concept of the word, is a replacement professional. The term is a Latin word for someone who replaces another person and carries out the same job as the previous professional in case of absence of the first person due to any number of various reasons.
Posted on Jan-27-2012

1109 Where Do Locum Staffing Solutions Stand In The Present Health Provision Scenario?
Plenty of medical personnel are required these days to help people get the sufficient health services they need, and this is where locum tenen staffing agencies comes into the picture. Medical personnel are required worldwide because health benefits are a necessity for people everywhere.
Posted on Jan-27-2012

1054 Why Specialist Locum Tenens Could Be A New Force In The Health Environment
The concept of locum tenens providing coverage in hospitals and private clinics is a few decades old, but the enthusiasm of the physicians providing these services has slowly been increasing with time.
Posted on Jan-27-2012

987 Locum Tenens Providing Patient-Doctor Advantages In Emergency Medicine
The upcoming concept of locum tenens is particular useful in many branches of health services such as, but not limited to, emergency medicine locum tenens. For the doctors, the theory of continuously practicing medicine is essential as not only is it a knowledge based position, but more importantly a position based on skill.
Posted on Jan-27-2012