Sam Lampasona's Article in Business

585 The Hidden Dangers of Driving with a Cracked Windshield
At first glance, a small crack in your windshield might not seem like a big deal. You may tell yourself that you'll deal with it later, that it's just a minor blemish on the glass. But that small crack can lead to significant risks, not just for you, but for others on the road.
Posted on Oct-06-2024

361 Major Reasons for Windscreen Damage
If you own a car, there’s no doubt that you’ve experienced windscreen damage at some point.
Posted on Aug-11-2022

400 What are the Common Causes of Car Glass Damage?
If you own a car, there’s no doubt that you’ve experienced windscreen damage at some point.
Posted on Aug-11-2022

367 Most Common Causes of Windscreen Damage.
If you own a car, there’s no doubt that you’ve experienced windscreen damage at some point.
Posted on Aug-11-2022

360 Cracks in Your Windshield: What to Do Next
If you noticed that your windshield has developed one or more cracks, it’s important to understand what might have caused the problem and how to address it as soon as possible.
Posted on Jul-25-2022

362 The Proper Way To Handle An Auto Glass Replacement In Sydney
What is the proper way to handle an auto windscreen replacement Sydney? Here are some tips from the professionals on how to properly handle an auto glass replacement in Sydney.
Posted on Jun-23-2022

373 Things You Need to Know Before Getting Your Car Glass Replaced in Sydney
When you think about getting a car windscreen replacement Sydney, the next thing you'll probably think about is the replacement process, and the money spend.
Posted on Jun-23-2022

379 Windscreen Replacement Sydney - Is It Time For A New Windscreen?
Writing your name on the back of your car windscreen with a permanent marker is a good short-term solution to help you remember which car is yours at the end of the day.
Posted on Apr-04-2022

358 Don't Delay Car Windscreen Repair- Know Why Here
A broken windscreen may not seem like that big of a deal, but when you're on the road driving to work, it can be frustrating not to have full visibility- especially if it's raining!
Posted on Apr-04-2022

361 Why You Need Mobile Windscreen Replacement Service?
Losing the windscreen of your car could be an extremely daunting situation. You can’t take your car to drive without this essential glass, so what do you do when it becomes damaged.
Posted on Feb-16-2022

495 Is Your Windshield Repairable?
Windshields are designed to stand up to travel stress on highways and provide structural support for the vehicle.
Posted on Sep-25-2021

531 Cracked Windscreen – Can It Be Repaired?
Have you recently observed a small chip or significant fracture in the windscreen of your car? A cracked windscreen is more than just a cosmetic problem. It also creates a hazard that could compromise the safety of everyone in the car.
Posted on Aug-23-2021

402 Why Should You Call Professionals for Windscreen Replacement?
A damaged windscreen is a common phenomenon. Just like any other part of a vehicle.
Posted on Jun-10-2021

616 Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Drive with a Damaged Windshield
Modern windscreens provide maximum protection to the occupants. Windscreens were initially designed to protect driver and passenger from flying road debris, stone, winds, and insects.
Posted on May-07-2021

515 Common Causes of Windscreen Damages
The windscreen provides up to 40% of the structural integrity of the vehicle yet many don’t pay attention to the condition, quality, and car glass repair Sydney.
Posted on Apr-09-2021

483 How to Choose the Right Auto Car Glass Repair Shop?
Did you notice a crack on your windshield or any other glass on your car? Get it fixed immediately.
Posted on Feb-16-2021

488 Perks of Professional Windscreen Replacement
A damaged windshield is a major safety hazard. The windscreen acts as a frontline warrior and protect the passengers in the event of an accident.
Posted on Feb-15-2021

795 Why Shouldn’t You Overlook Windscreen Repair?
A windscreen is one of the most important parts of a vehicle. Yes, it provides about 30% of the integrity of the car’s structure during head-on collisions and 60% during a rollover. However, people always underestimate the importance of windscreen maintenance and windshield repair Sydney.
Posted on Jan-10-2021

641 Windscreen Repair or Replacement – Which Is Better
A windscreen provides up to 40% of your car’s structural integrity. It goes without saying how important it is to maintain your windscreen in good shape. A well-maintained windscreen can keep you safe during a collision and avoid individuals from being thrown out during a wreck or rollover event.
Posted on Dec-29-2020

449 Here's how to handle a broken Car Windscreen!
Is your car's windscreen chipped or cracked? Don't ignore the damage, the windscreen of your car solely provides you with a clear view of the road ahead, and also helps keep an eye on the traffic. It prevents moisture, dirt, and dust from entering your car.
Posted on Dec-16-2020

535 Things to consider before Installing Retractable Awnings!
If you are like most homeowners whose deck or patio is a popular gathering place, a retractable awning can improve the experience of your outdoor space. Retractable roof awnings Sydney lets you expand your outdoor living space creating shade where you need it and placing sun only where you want it.
Posted on Dec-04-2020

525 Know the different types of Windscreen Cracks!
Windscreen damage is common, and most car owners will have faced it at least once in their lifetime. A chip or crack on the windscreen is always an inconvenience, and there is never a good time for them to occur.
Posted on Dec-04-2020

631 Advantages of Professional Windshield Repair!
Car windscreen damage is a common occurrence. The reason behind it can be its share of contribution to stress just like any other part of the car. The windscreen also goes through a lot of intense wear and tear and is a significant safety feature of a vehicle.
Posted on Sep-22-2020

491 Your car Windscreen is damaged! What now Repair or Replacement?
It happens to all of us who are good enough in driving. We are driving down the road, and suddenly a stone hits our windscreen. In the beginning, it appeared to bounce off without posing any harm, but as we keep driving, we realise that the stone actually took out a chunk of the windscreen and has caused a crack across the glass.
Posted on Sep-22-2020

501 Got A Chip On Your Windscreen? Get It Fixed Or Replaced Without Any Delay!
The windshield is one of the essential components of the vehicle's construction, which could compromise your safety if it has a chip or a crack. Even a small chip in the wrong position can lead to an accident, impair your vision, or can cause.
Posted on Aug-22-2020