Sam Lampasona's Article in Arts and Entertainment
Common Signs Your Vehicle Need a Windscreen Replacement
When people look at an automobile, one of the first things they notice is the colour. Furthermore, the windshield is just as crucial for visual navigation as the engine is for transporting you around when you're driving on the road.
Posted on Jul-22-2021
How to stop a Windscreen crack from spreading?
Have you ever faced a dangerous situation when something fell over your car windscreen causing cracks and chips on it?
Posted on Jan-28-2021
When to Repair or Replace Your Cars Windscreen?
A windscreen is one of those things almost every car driver takes for granted. After all, it is just another component of the car. Obviously, this is what we think about them most of the time.
Posted on Nov-14-2018
What are the Common Causes of Windscreen Damages?
There are specific rules in Australia about the acceptable size of windscreen replacements. Driver’s side of windscreen should not exceed a crack from the edge up to 75mm long; a hairline crack up to 30mm long and a bullseye crack up to 16mm diameter.
Posted on Aug-20-2018